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Overcome the summer learning loss and hit the ground running in the new school year

Middle School Math Jump Start. Be Ready to Excel at Middle School Math.

For most students, the transition to middle school is a significant one. Teachers expect students to be organized and ready to learn.

Yet the new and larger environment coupled with greater expectations, new routines and increased workloads can be a significant source of anxiety for students and parents alike.

Getting a jump start on math can provide a good source of confidence.

  • Shore up fifth grade math skills, eliminate gaps

  • Get a preview of sixth grade math

  • In-class discussions and activities and post-class assignments while keeping it low-pressure yet rigorous

  • Suitable for at-level and advanced students

  • Two weeks of daily 1.5-hour, small-group (≤4 students), in-person classes starting July 24 (Palo Alto) and July 31 (Fremont)


High School Geometry Jump Start. Want to Shine in High School Geometry?

Students are usually excited to be starting high school. The excitement is often tempered with concerns about increased competition, greater academic demands, and the need to navigate a much larger and potentially more impersonal environment.

Geometry is the typical ninth grade math class. While students have had exposure to some geometry concepts through middle school, many find the level of rigor and formal approach (including proofs) adopted in the course focused almost exclusively on geometry overwhelming.

Getting a jump start on geometry can make the transition easier.

  • Understand core aspects of geometry taught in high school

  • Develop skills (proofs and problem solving) for success in geometry

  • Ten 1.5-hour, small-group (≤4 students), in-person classes starting July 24

  • In-class discussions and activities and post-class assignments while keeping it low-pressure yet rigorous

  • Suitable for at-level and advanced students

Interested to learn more?
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